Welcome back! In the last part, part 1, we configured our OpenWRT device, got it to emit two(2) Access Point SSIDs (insecureWiFi & secureWiFi), created two(2) VLANs to separate traffic frames, and created a trunk...
Continue reading...Security
OpenWRT — Multiple Access Points With 802.1Q (part1)
I set out on this home project with the intent of providing wireless internet to friends and family when visiting. I wanted to provide internet without allowing any malicious clients from consuming all my bandwidth...
Continue reading...Linux — IPTABLES Network Firewall
Most firewalls in the consumer world are ones that are either bought at Bestbuy or supplied by your ISP as an all-in-one type of network device. These devices, such as the Linksys WRT54GL, are good...
Continue reading...Linux — OpenVPN Creating a Client VPN Setup
Before we begin I want to clearly identify the scope of this tutorial. There are different types of VPN, we will be creating a Client VPN which implies a many to one relationship. We will...
Continue reading...Linux — IPTABLES NAT, Dynamic NAT, NAT Overloading/Masquerade
If you have had experience with NATs via Cisco Routers or read about them in your CCNA studies, there are 3 Network Address Translation(NAT) types. Technically, two, see here, plus a third special case. Static...
Continue reading...Linux — SSH Key Based Authentication
There are many articles and tutorials out there on how to configure SSH to use public key authentication. I wanted to share my findings on the subject and identify some interesting connections I made when...
Continue reading...Linux — SquidProxy Network Adblocking using Squid1.4
I originally discovered Adblock Plus when I first downloaded Firefox many years ago. Since then I’ve installed the Adblock plugin right after Firefox, etc. It’s become so standard that I almost think Firefox should just...
Continue reading...Linux — Encrypt files with CCrypt, AxCrypt, and OpenSSL
Are you someone who keeps a text file on their Desktop with all there passwords in it? Do you write you account information and passwords on a sticky-note? I sure hope not! But if you...
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