Hello! I posted an article a while back on how to use a web proxy to block unwanted content. While this is good and fun, we need an easy way to configure clients to use...
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VoIP:101 — Building your VoIP Network — Part 2
Welcome back to Part #2 of this series on setting up your VoIP network!. (Part #1, Part #2, Part #3) PART #2 — Call routing, Call numbers, SIP Trunks VoIP SIP Termination — Where VoIP...
Continue reading...VoIP:101 — Getting started with your VoIP Network — Part 1
VoIP networks, VoIP phones, VoIP extensions, VoIP everything. VoIP seems to be one of those black box buzz words that IT pros toss around, like the “CLOUD!” But what is really going on behind the...
Continue reading...Squid Proxy — Transparent SSL Web Proxy redirection using WCCP, Cisco ASA, and Squid 3.4+
I’ve posted a few articles on how to set up a Forwarding Proxy using Squid, and using benefits like caching and content blocking (Ads, adult, gambling, etc). This can bring centralized web security and delivery...
Continue reading...Reset Windows Administrator and the Linux Root passwords with Pictures!!
Resetting the Windows administrator’s password or Linux root account password is a common troubleshooting practice when faced with systems infected with mailware, data corruption, and system recoveries. This article does not prompt malicious use, but...
Continue reading...F5 BIGIP — Alternative using HAProxy and keepalived — Part 2
Okay we’re back!! Welcome to Part#2. If you’ve read my last post in this high availability and load balancing series(Part#1) you understand the need for HAProxy to complete our setup. If you recall, I am...
Continue reading...F5 BIGIP — Alternative using HAProxy and keepalived — Part 1
I come from a strong BIG IP F5 background and wanted to explorer alternatives to their LTM product line. BIG IP F5 LTMs are their Highly Availability and Load-Balancing network products, see here. They are...
Continue reading...Cisco IOS — Link Aggregation with LACP and NIC Teaming
Hi All!, been awhile since I posted an article and I don’t think I have ever posted one on Network Link Aggregation!! Link Aggregation is the physical combining of network links into one logical link....
Continue reading...Squid Proxy — Splash Page
Hi All! So after my last article regarding securing a guest network web access with Squid and SquidGuard, I wanted to share how I came about creating a Splash Page for Guest users of my...
Continue reading...Squid Proxy — Caching Proxy with SSL with Squid3.1
Hello, hello! Recently I posted a two part article on creating a Guest wireless network using OpenWRT, VLANs, and Firewall rules. Now we left things kinda open from a security standpoint. WE gave our Guest...
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